barman.config module#

This module is responsible for all the things related to Barman configuration, such as parsing configuration file.

class barman.config.BackupOptions(value, key, source)View on GitHub#

Bases: CsvOption

Extends CsvOption class providing all the details for the backup_options field

CONCURRENT_BACKUP = 'concurrent_backup'#
EXCLUSIVE_BACKUP = 'exclusive_backup'#
EXTERNAL_CONFIGURATION = 'external_configuration'#
conflicts = {'concurrent_backup': 'exclusive_backup', 'exclusive_backup': 'concurrent_backup'}#
value_list = ['exclusive_backup', 'concurrent_backup', 'external_configuration']#
class barman.config.BaseChangeView on GitHub#

Bases: object

Base class for change objects.

Provides methods for equality comparison, hashing, and conversion to tuple and dictionary.

_fields = []#
as_dict()View on GitHub#

Convert to a dictionary, using _fields as keys.


a dictionary where keys are taken from _fields and values are the corresponding values for those fields.

as_tuple() tupleView on GitHub#

Convert to a tuple, ordered as _fields.


tuple of values for _fields.

class barman.config.BaseConfigView on GitHub#

Bases: object

Contains basic methods for handling configuration of Servers and Models.

You are expected to inherit from this class and define at least the :cvar:`PARSERS` dictionary with a mapping of parsers for each suported configuration option.

invoke_parser(key, source, value, new_value)View on GitHub#

Function used for parsing configuration values. If needed, it uses special parsers from the PARSERS map, and handles parsing exceptions.

Uses two values (value and new_value) to manage configuration hierarchy (server config overwrites global config).

  • key (str) – the name of the configuration option

  • source (str) – the section that contains the configuration option

  • value – the old value of the option if present.

  • new_value (str) – the new value that needs to be parsed


the parsed value of a configuration option

class barman.config.Config(filename=None)View on GitHub#

Bases: object

This class represents the barman configuration.

Default configuration files are /etc/barman.conf, /etc/barman/barman.conf and ~/.barman.conf for a per-user configuration

CONFIG_FILES = ['~/.barman.conf', '/etc/barman.conf', '/etc/barman/barman.conf']#
_QUOTE_RE = re.compile('^(["\'])(.*)\\1$')#
__init__(filename=None)View on GitHub#
_apply_models()View on GitHub#

For each Barman server, check for a pre-existing active model.

If a hidden file with a pre-existing active model file exists, apply that on top of the server configuration.

_check_conflicting_paths()View on GitHub#

Look for conflicting paths intra-server and inter-server

static _detect_missing_keys(config_items, required_keys, section)View on GitHub#

Check config for any missing required keys

  • config_items – list of tuples containing provided parameters along with their values

  • required_keys – list of required keys

  • section – source section (for error reporting)

_is_global_config_changed()View on GitHub#

Return true if something has changed in global configuration

_is_model(name)View on GitHub#

Check if section name is a model.


name – name of the config section.


True if section name is a model, False otherwise.


ValueError: re-raised if thrown by parse_boolean().

_parse_global_config()View on GitHub#

This method parses the global [barman] section

_populate_servers_and_models()View on GitHub#

Populate server list and model list from configuration file

Also check for paths errors in configuration. If two or more paths overlap in a single server, that server is disabled. If two or more directory paths overlap between different servers an error is raised.

static _validate_with_keys(config_items, allowed_keys, section)View on GitHub#

Check every config parameter against a list of allowed keys

  • config_items – list of tuples containing provided parameters along with their values

  • allowed_keys – list of allowed keys

  • section – source section (for error reporting)

get(section, option, defaults=None, none_value=None)View on GitHub#

Method to get the value from a given section from Barman configuration

get_config_source(section, option)View on GitHub#

Get the source INI file from which a config value comes from.

get_model(name)View on GitHub#

Get the configuration of the specified model.


name – the model name.


a ModelConfig if the model exists, otherwise None.

get_server(name)View on GitHub#

Get the configuration of the specified server


name (str) – the server name

global_config_to_json(with_source=False)View on GitHub#

Return an equivalent dictionary that can be encoded in json


with_source – if we should include the source file that provides the effective value for each configuration option.


a dictionary. The structure depends on with_source argument:

  • If False: key is the option name, value is its value;

  • If True: key is the option name, value is a dict with a couple keys:

    • value: the value of the option;

    • source: the file which provides the effective value, if the option has been configured by the user, otherwise None.

load_config_file(cfile)View on GitHub#
load_configuration_files_directory()View on GitHub#

Read the “configuration_files_directory” option and load all the configuration files with the .conf suffix that lie in that folder

model_names()View on GitHub#

Get a list of model names.


a list of configured model names.

models()View on GitHub#

Get a list of models.


a list of configured ModelConfig objects.

server_names()View on GitHub#

This method returns a list of server names

servers()View on GitHub#

This method returns a list of server parameters

validate_global_config()View on GitHub#

Validate global configuration parameters

validate_model_config(model)View on GitHub#

Validate configuration parameters for a specified model.


model – the model name.

validate_server_config(server)View on GitHub#

Validate configuration parameters for a specified server


server (str) – the server name

class barman.config.ConfigChange(key, value, config_file=None)View on GitHub#

Bases: BaseChange

Represents a configuration change received.

  • str (value) – The key of the configuration change.

  • str – The value of the configuration change.

  • Optional[str] (config_file) – The configuration file associated with the change, or None.

__init__(key, value, config_file=None)View on GitHub#

Initialize a ConfigChange object.

  • str (value) – the configuration setting to be changed.

  • str – the new configuration value.

  • Optional[str] (config_file) – configuration file associated with the change, if any, or None.

_fields = ['key', 'value', 'config_file']#
classmethod from_dict(obj)View on GitHub#

Factory method for creating ConfigChange objects from a dictionary.


obj (dict) – Dictionary representing the configuration change.


Configuration change object.

Return type:



ValueError: If the dictionary is malformed.

class barman.config.ConfigChangeSet(section, changes_set=None)View on GitHub#

Bases: BaseChange

Represents a set of ConfigChange for a given configuration section.


str (section) – name of the configuration section related with the changes.

:ivar changes_set List[ConfigChange]: list of configuration changes to be applied to the section.

__init__(section, changes_set=None)View on GitHub#

Initialize a new ConfigChangeSet object.

  • str (section) – name of the configuration section related with the changes.

  • List[ConfigChange] (changes_set) – list of configuration changes to be applied to the section.

_fields = ['section', 'changes_set']#
classmethod from_dict(obj)View on GitHub#

Factory for configuration change objects.

Generates configuration change objects starting from a dictionary with the same fields.


Handles both ConfigChange and ConfigChangeSet mapping.


obj (dict) – Dictionary representing the configuration changes set.


Configuration set of changes.

Return type:



ValueError: If the dictionary is malformed.

class barman.config.ConfigChangeSetEncoder(*, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None)View on GitHub#

Bases: JSONEncoder

JSON encoder for ConfigChange and ConfigChangeSet objects.

default(obj)View on GitHub#

Implement this method in a subclass such that it returns a serializable object for o, or calls the base implementation (to raise a TypeError).

For example, to support arbitrary iterators, you could implement default like this:

def default(self, o):
        iterable = iter(o)
    except TypeError:
        return list(iterable)
    # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
    return JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
class barman.config.ConfigChangesProcessor(config)View on GitHub#

Bases: object

The class is responsible for processing the config changes to apply to the barman config

__init__(config)View on GitHub#

Initialize a new ConfigChangesProcessor object,


Config (config) – the Barman configuration.

apply_change(changes)View on GitHub#

Apply the given changes to the configuration files.


List[ConfigChangeSet] (changes) – list of sections and their configuration options to be updated.

process_conf_changes_queue()View on GitHub#

Process the configuration changes in the queue.

This method iterates over the configuration changes in the queue and applies them one by one. If an error occurs while applying a change, it logs the error and raises an exception.


Exception: If an error occurs while applying a change.

receive_config_changes(changes)View on GitHub#

Process all the configuration changes.


str] (changes Dict[str,) – each key is the name of a section to be updated, and the value is a dictionary of configuration options along with their values that should be updated in such section.

class barman.config.ConfigChangesQueue(queue_file)View on GitHub#

Bases: object

Wraps the management of the config changes queue.

The ConfigChangesQueue class provides methods to read, write, and manipulate a queue of configuration changes. It is designed to be used as a context manager to ensure proper opening and closing of the queue file.

Once instantiated the queue can be accessed using the queue property.

__init__(queue_file)View on GitHub#

Initialize the ConfigChangesQueue object.


str (queue_file) – file where to persist the queue of changes to be processed.

close()View on GitHub#

Write the new content and close the queue_file.

open()View on GitHub#

Open and parse the queue_file into _queue.

property queueView on GitHub#

Returns the queue object.

If the queue object is not yet initialized, it will be opened before returning.


the queue object.

static read_file(path) List[ConfigChangeSet]View on GitHub#

Reads a json file containing a list of configuration changes.


the list of ConfigChangeSet to be applied to Barman configuration sections.

class barman.config.ConfigMapping(*args, **kwargs)View on GitHub#

Bases: ConfigParser

Wrapper for ConfigParser.

Extend the facilities provided by a ConfigParser object, and additionally keep track of the source file for each configuration option.

This is very useful as Barman allows the user to provide configuration options spread over multiple files in the system, so one can know which file provides the value for a configuration option in use.


When using this class you are expected to use read_config() instead of any read* method exposed by ConfigParser.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)View on GitHub#

Create a new instance of ConfigMapping.


We save args and kwargs so we can instantiate a temporary ConfigParser with similar options on read_config().

  • args – positional arguments to be passed down to ConfigParser.

  • kwargs – keyword arguments to be passed down to ConfigParser.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
get_config_source(section, option)View on GitHub#

Get the source INI file from which a config value comes from.

  • section – the section of the configuration option.

  • option – the name of the configuraion option.


the file that provides the effective value for section -> option. If no such configuration exists in the mapping, we assume it has a default value and return the default string.

read_config(filename)View on GitHub#

Read and merge configuration options from filename.


filename – path to a configuration file or its file descriptor in reading mode.


a list of file names which were able to be parsed, so we are compliant with the return value of In practice the list will always contain at most one item. If filename is a descriptor with no name attribute, the corresponding entry in the list will be None.

class barman.config.CsvOption(value, key, source)View on GitHub#

Bases: set

Base class for CSV options.

Given a comma delimited string, this class is a list containing the submitted options. Internally, it uses a set in order to avoid option replication. Allowed values for the CSV option are contained in the ‘value_list’ attribute. The ‘conflicts’ attribute specifies for any value, the list of values that are prohibited (and thus generate a conflict). If a conflict is found, raises a ValueError exception.

__init__(value, key, source)View on GitHub#
conflicts = {}#
parse(value, key, source)View on GitHub#

Parses a list of values and correctly assign the set of values (removing duplication) and checking for conflicts.

to_json()View on GitHub#

Output representation of the obj for JSON serialization

The result is a string which can be parsed by the same class

validate(key, source)View on GitHub#

Override this method for special validation needs

value_list = []#
class barman.config.ModelConfig(config, name)View on GitHub#

Bases: BaseConfig

This class represents the configuration for a specific model of a server.

  • KEYS – list of configuration options that are allowed in a model.

  • REQUIRED_KEYS – list of configuration options that must always be set when defining a configuration model.

  • PARSERS – mapping of parsers for the configuration options, if they need special handling.

KEYS = ['description', 'max_incoming_wals_queue', 'primary_conninfo', 'check_timeout', 'backup_compression_format', 'streaming_conninfo', 'snapshot_disks', 'recovery_staging_path', 'aws_snapshot_lock_cool_off_period', 'custom_compression_magic', 'archiver_batch_size', 'backup_compression_location', 'snapshot_provider', 'reuse_backup', 'backup_compression_workers', 'gcp_project', 'wal_conninfo', 'retention_policy_mode', 'path_prefix', 'forward_config_path', 'last_backup_maximum_age', 'parallel_jobs_start_batch_size', 'streaming_archiver', 'wal_retention_policy', 'custom_compression_filter', 'archiver', 'slot_name', 'parallel_jobs_start_batch_period', 'snapshot_zone', 'model', 'azure_credential', 'azure_subscription_id', 'backup_options', 'streaming_archiver_batch_size', 'last_wal_maximum_age', 'primary_checkpoint_timeout', 'aws_snapshot_lock_mode', 'active', 'backup_compression', 'autogenerate_manifest', 'aws_snapshot_lock_expiration_date', 'gcp_zone', 'streaming_backup_name', 'disabled', 'conninfo', 'immediate_checkpoint', 'wal_streaming_conninfo', 'aws_snapshot_lock_duration', 'backup_compression_level', 'custom_decompression_filter', 'minimum_redundancy', 'basebackup_retry_sleep', 'network_compression', 'aws_region', 'backup_method', 'recovery_options', 'parallel_jobs', 'streaming_archiver_name', 'keepalive_interval', 'azure_resource_group', 'last_backup_minimum_size', 'snapshot_gcp_project', 'compression', 'create_slot', 'aws_profile', 'bandwidth_limit', 'retention_policy', 'ssh_command', 'aws_await_snapshots_timeout', 'primary_ssh_command', 'cluster', 'local_staging_path', 'snapshot_instance', 'basebackup_retry_times', 'tablespace_bandwidth_limit']#
PARSERS = {'active': <function parse_boolean>, 'archiver': <function parse_boolean>, 'archiver_batch_size': <class 'int'>, 'autogenerate_manifest': <function parse_boolean>, 'aws_await_snapshots_timeout': <class 'int'>, 'aws_snapshot_lock_cool_off_period': <class 'int'>, 'aws_snapshot_lock_duration': <class 'int'>, 'backup_compression': <function parse_backup_compression>, 'backup_compression_format': <function parse_backup_compression_format>, 'backup_compression_level': <class 'int'>, 'backup_compression_location': <function parse_backup_compression_location>, 'backup_compression_workers': <class 'int'>, 'backup_method': <function parse_backup_method>, 'backup_options': <class 'barman.config.BackupOptions'>, 'basebackup_retry_sleep': <class 'int'>, 'basebackup_retry_times': <class 'int'>, 'check_timeout': <class 'int'>, 'create_slot': <function parse_create_slot>, 'disabled': <function parse_boolean>, 'forward_config_path': <function parse_boolean>, 'immediate_checkpoint': <function parse_boolean>, 'keepalive_interval': <class 'int'>, 'last_backup_maximum_age': <function parse_time_interval>, 'last_backup_minimum_size': <function parse_si_suffix>, 'last_wal_maximum_age': <function parse_time_interval>, 'local_staging_path': <function parse_staging_path>, 'max_incoming_wals_queue': <class 'int'>, 'model': <function parse_boolean>, 'network_compression': <function parse_boolean>, 'parallel_jobs': <class 'int'>, 'parallel_jobs_start_batch_period': <class 'int'>, 'parallel_jobs_start_batch_size': <class 'int'>, 'primary_checkpoint_timeout': <class 'int'>, 'recovery_options': <class 'barman.config.RecoveryOptions'>, 'recovery_staging_path': <function parse_staging_path>, 'reuse_backup': <function parse_reuse_backup>, 'slot_name': <function parse_slot_name>, 'snapshot_disks': <function parse_snapshot_disks>, 'streaming_archiver': <function parse_boolean>, 'streaming_archiver_batch_size': <class 'int'>}#
REQUIRED_KEYS = ['cluster', 'model']#
_KEYS_BLACKLIST = {'backup_directory', 'basebackups_directory', 'errors_directory', 'incoming_wals_directory', 'post_archive_retry_script', 'post_archive_script', 'post_backup_retry_script', 'post_backup_script', 'post_delete_retry_script', 'post_delete_script', 'post_recovery_retry_script', 'post_recovery_script', 'post_wal_delete_retry_script', 'post_wal_delete_script', 'pre_archive_retry_script', 'pre_archive_script', 'pre_backup_retry_script', 'pre_backup_script', 'pre_delete_retry_script', 'pre_delete_script', 'pre_recovery_retry_script', 'pre_recovery_script', 'pre_wal_delete_retry_script', 'pre_wal_delete_script', 'streaming_wals_directory', 'wals_directory', 'xlogdb_directory'}#
__init__(config, name)View on GitHub#
get_override_options()View on GitHub#

Get a list of options which values in the server should be override.


tuples os option name and value which should override the value specified in the server with the value specified in the model.

key = 'pre_backup_script'#
to_json(with_source=False)View on GitHub#

Return an equivalent dictionary that can be encoded in json


with_source – if we should include the source file that provides the effective value for each configuration option.


a dictionary. The structure depends on with_source argument:

  • If False: key is the option name, value is its value;

  • If True: key is the option name, value is a dict with a couple keys:

    • value: the value of the option;

    • source: the file which provides the effective value, if the option has been configured by the user, otherwise None.

class barman.config.PathConflict(label, server)#

Bases: tuple


Return a new dict which maps field names to their values.

_field_defaults = {}#
_fields = ('label', 'server')#
classmethod _make(iterable)#

Make a new PathConflict object from a sequence or iterable


Return a new PathConflict object replacing specified fields with new values


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

class barman.config.RecoveryOptions(value, key, source)View on GitHub#

Bases: CsvOption

Extends CsvOption class providing all the details for the recovery_options field

GET_WAL = 'get-wal'#
value_list = ['get-wal']#
class barman.config.ServerConfig(config, name)View on GitHub#

Bases: BaseConfig

This class represents the configuration for a specific Server instance.

BARMAN_KEYS = ['archiver', 'archiver_batch_size', 'autogenerate_manifest', 'aws_await_snapshots_timeout', 'aws_snapshot_lock_mode', 'aws_snapshot_lock_duration', 'aws_snapshot_lock_cool_off_period', 'aws_snapshot_lock_expiration_date', 'aws_profile', 'aws_region', 'azure_credential', 'azure_resource_group', 'azure_subscription_id', 'backup_compression', 'backup_compression_format', 'backup_compression_level', 'backup_compression_location', 'backup_compression_workers', 'backup_method', 'backup_options', 'bandwidth_limit', 'basebackup_retry_sleep', 'basebackup_retry_times', 'check_timeout', 'compression', 'configuration_files_directory', 'create_slot', 'custom_compression_filter', 'custom_decompression_filter', 'custom_compression_magic', 'forward_config_path', 'gcp_project', 'immediate_checkpoint', 'keepalive_internval', 'last_backup_maximum_age', 'last_backup_minimum_size', 'last_wal_maximum_age', 'local_staging_path', 'max_incoming_wals_queue', 'minimum_redundancy', 'network_compression', 'parallel_jobs', 'parallel_jobs_start_batch_period', 'parallel_jobs_start_batch_size', 'path_prefix', 'post_archive_retry_script', 'post_archive_script', 'post_backup_retry_script', 'post_backup_script', 'post_delete_script', 'post_delete_retry_script', 'post_recovery_retry_script', 'post_recovery_script', 'post_wal_delete_script', 'post_wal_delete_retry_script', 'pre_archive_retry_script', 'pre_archive_script', 'pre_backup_retry_script', 'pre_backup_script', 'pre_delete_script', 'pre_delete_retry_script', 'pre_recovery_retry_script', 'pre_recovery_script', 'pre_wal_delete_script', 'pre_wal_delete_retry_script', 'primary_ssh_command', 'recovery_options', 'recovery_staging_path', 'retention_policy', 'retention_policy_mode', 'reuse_backup', 'slot_name', 'snapshot_gcp_project', 'snapshot_provider', 'streaming_archiver', 'streaming_archiver_batch_size', 'streaming_archiver_name', 'streaming_backup_name', 'tablespace_bandwidth_limit', 'wal_retention_policy', 'xlogdb_directory']#
DEFAULTS = {'active': 'true', 'archiver': 'off', 'archiver_batch_size': '0', 'autogenerate_manifest': 'false', 'aws_await_snapshots_timeout': '3600', 'backup_directory': '%(barman_home)s/%(name)s', 'backup_method': 'rsync', 'backup_options': '', 'basebackup_retry_sleep': '30', 'basebackup_retry_times': '0', 'basebackups_directory': '%(backup_directory)s/base', 'check_timeout': '30', 'cluster': '%(name)s', 'create_slot': 'manual', 'disabled': 'false', 'errors_directory': '%(backup_directory)s/errors', 'forward_config_path': 'false', 'immediate_checkpoint': 'false', 'incoming_wals_directory': '%(backup_directory)s/incoming', 'keepalive_interval': '60', 'minimum_redundancy': '0', 'network_compression': 'false', 'parallel_jobs': '1', 'parallel_jobs_start_batch_period': '1', 'parallel_jobs_start_batch_size': '10', 'primary_checkpoint_timeout': '0', 'recovery_options': '', 'retention_policy_mode': 'auto', 'streaming_archiver': 'off', 'streaming_archiver_batch_size': '0', 'streaming_archiver_name': 'barman_receive_wal', 'streaming_backup_name': 'barman_streaming_backup', 'streaming_conninfo': '%(conninfo)s', 'streaming_wals_directory': '%(backup_directory)s/streaming', 'wal_retention_policy': 'main', 'wals_directory': '%(backup_directory)s/wals', 'xlogdb_directory': '%(wals_directory)s'}#
FIXED = ['disabled']#
KEYS = ['active', 'archiver', 'archiver_batch_size', 'autogenerate_manifest', 'aws_await_snapshots_timeout', 'aws_snapshot_lock_mode', 'aws_snapshot_lock_duration', 'aws_snapshot_lock_cool_off_period', 'aws_snapshot_lock_expiration_date', 'aws_profile', 'aws_region', 'azure_credential', 'azure_resource_group', 'azure_subscription_id', 'backup_compression', 'backup_compression_format', 'backup_compression_level', 'backup_compression_location', 'backup_compression_workers', 'backup_directory', 'backup_method', 'backup_options', 'bandwidth_limit', 'basebackup_retry_sleep', 'basebackup_retry_times', 'basebackups_directory', 'check_timeout', 'cluster', 'compression', 'conninfo', 'custom_compression_filter', 'custom_decompression_filter', 'custom_compression_magic', 'description', 'disabled', 'errors_directory', 'forward_config_path', 'gcp_project', 'gcp_zone', 'immediate_checkpoint', 'incoming_wals_directory', 'keepalive_interval', 'last_backup_maximum_age', 'last_backup_minimum_size', 'last_wal_maximum_age', 'local_staging_path', 'max_incoming_wals_queue', 'minimum_redundancy', 'network_compression', 'parallel_jobs', 'parallel_jobs_start_batch_period', 'parallel_jobs_start_batch_size', 'path_prefix', 'post_archive_retry_script', 'post_archive_script', 'post_backup_retry_script', 'post_backup_script', 'post_delete_script', 'post_delete_retry_script', 'post_recovery_retry_script', 'post_recovery_script', 'post_wal_delete_script', 'post_wal_delete_retry_script', 'pre_archive_retry_script', 'pre_archive_script', 'pre_backup_retry_script', 'pre_backup_script', 'pre_delete_script', 'pre_delete_retry_script', 'pre_recovery_retry_script', 'pre_recovery_script', 'pre_wal_delete_script', 'pre_wal_delete_retry_script', 'primary_checkpoint_timeout', 'primary_conninfo', 'primary_ssh_command', 'recovery_options', 'recovery_staging_path', 'create_slot', 'retention_policy', 'retention_policy_mode', 'reuse_backup', 'slot_name', 'snapshot_disks', 'snapshot_gcp_project', 'snapshot_instance', 'snapshot_provider', 'snapshot_zone', 'ssh_command', 'streaming_archiver', 'streaming_archiver_batch_size', 'streaming_archiver_name', 'streaming_backup_name', 'streaming_conninfo', 'streaming_wals_directory', 'tablespace_bandwidth_limit', 'wal_conninfo', 'wal_retention_policy', 'wal_streaming_conninfo', 'wals_directory', 'xlogdb_directory']#
PARSERS = {'active': <function parse_boolean>, 'archiver': <function parse_boolean>, 'archiver_batch_size': <class 'int'>, 'autogenerate_manifest': <function parse_boolean>, 'aws_await_snapshots_timeout': <class 'int'>, 'aws_snapshot_lock_cool_off_period': <class 'int'>, 'aws_snapshot_lock_duration': <class 'int'>, 'backup_compression': <function parse_backup_compression>, 'backup_compression_format': <function parse_backup_compression_format>, 'backup_compression_level': <class 'int'>, 'backup_compression_location': <function parse_backup_compression_location>, 'backup_compression_workers': <class 'int'>, 'backup_method': <function parse_backup_method>, 'backup_options': <class 'barman.config.BackupOptions'>, 'basebackup_retry_sleep': <class 'int'>, 'basebackup_retry_times': <class 'int'>, 'check_timeout': <class 'int'>, 'create_slot': <function parse_create_slot>, 'disabled': <function parse_boolean>, 'forward_config_path': <function parse_boolean>, 'immediate_checkpoint': <function parse_boolean>, 'keepalive_interval': <class 'int'>, 'last_backup_maximum_age': <function parse_time_interval>, 'last_backup_minimum_size': <function parse_si_suffix>, 'last_wal_maximum_age': <function parse_time_interval>, 'local_staging_path': <function parse_staging_path>, 'max_incoming_wals_queue': <class 'int'>, 'network_compression': <function parse_boolean>, 'parallel_jobs': <class 'int'>, 'parallel_jobs_start_batch_period': <class 'int'>, 'parallel_jobs_start_batch_size': <class 'int'>, 'primary_checkpoint_timeout': <class 'int'>, 'recovery_options': <class 'barman.config.RecoveryOptions'>, 'recovery_staging_path': <function parse_staging_path>, 'reuse_backup': <function parse_reuse_backup>, 'slot_name': <function parse_slot_name>, 'snapshot_disks': <function parse_snapshot_disks>, 'streaming_archiver': <function parse_boolean>, 'streaming_archiver_batch_size': <class 'int'>}#
__init__(config, name)View on GitHub#
apply_model(model, from_cli=False)View on GitHub#

Apply config from a model named name.

  • model – the model to be applied.

  • from_cliTrue if this function has been called by the user through a command, e.g. barman-config-switch. False if it has been called internally by Barman. INFO messages are written in the first case, DEBUG messages in the second case.

get_bwlimit(tablespace=None)View on GitHub#

Return the configured bandwidth limit for the provided tablespace

If tablespace is None, it returns the global bandwidth limit


tablespace (barman.infofile.Tablespace) – the tablespace to copy

Return type:


get_wal_conninfo()View on GitHub#

Return WAL-specific conninfo strings for this server.

Returns the value of wal_streaming_conninfo and wal_conninfo if they are set in the configuration. If wal_conninfo is unset then it will be given the value of wal_streaming_conninfo. If wal_streaming_conninfo is unset then fall back to streaming_conninfo and conninfo.

Return type:



Tuple consisting of the wal_streaming_conninfo and wal_conninfo.

reset_model()View on GitHub#

Reset the active model for this server, if any.

to_json(with_source=False)View on GitHub#

Return an equivalent dictionary that can be encoded in json


with_source – if we should include the source file that provides the effective value for each configuration option.


a dictionary. The structure depends on with_source argument:

  • If False: key is the option name, value is its value;

  • If True: key is the option name, value is a dict with a couple keys:

    • value: the value of the option;

    • source: the file which provides the effective value, if the option has been configured by the user, otherwise None.

update_msg_list_and_disable_server(msg_list)View on GitHub#

Will take care of upgrading msg_list :param msg_list: str|list can be either a string or a list of strings

barman.config._main()View on GitHub#
barman.config.parse_backup_compression(value)View on GitHub#

Parse a string to a valid backup_compression value.


value (str) – backup_compression value


ValueError – if the value is invalid

barman.config.parse_backup_compression_format(value)View on GitHub#

Parse a string to a valid backup_compression format value.

Valid values are “plain” and “tar”


value (str) – backup_compression_location value


ValueError – if the value is invalid

barman.config.parse_backup_compression_location(value)View on GitHub#

Parse a string to a valid backup_compression location value.

Valid values are “client” and “server”


value (str) – backup_compression_location value


ValueError – if the value is invalid

barman.config.parse_backup_method(value)View on GitHub#

Parse a string to a valid backup_method value.

Valid values are contained in BACKUP_METHOD_VALUES list


value (str) – backup_method value


ValueError – if the value is invalid

barman.config.parse_boolean(value)View on GitHub#

Parse a string to a boolean value


value (str) – string representing a boolean


ValueError – if the string is an invalid boolean representation

barman.config.parse_create_slot(value)View on GitHub#

Parse a string to a valid create_slot value.

Valid values are “manual” and “auto”


value (str) – create_slot value


ValueError – if the value is invalid

barman.config.parse_reuse_backup(value)View on GitHub#

Parse a string to a valid reuse_backup value.

Valid values are “copy”, “link” and “off”


value (str) – reuse_backup value


ValueError – if the value is invalid

barman.config.parse_si_suffix(value)View on GitHub#

Parse a string, transforming it into integer and multiplying by the SI or IEC suffix eg a suffix of Ki multiplies the integer value by 1024 and returns the new value

Accepted format: N (k|Ki|M|Mi|G|Gi|T|Ti)


value (str) – the string to evaluate

barman.config.parse_slot_name(value)View on GitHub#

Replication slot names may only contain lower case letters, numbers, and the underscore character. This function parse a replication slot name


value (str) – slot_name value


barman.config.parse_snapshot_disks(value)View on GitHub#

Parse a comma separated list of names used to reference disks managed by a cloud provider.


value (str) – Comma separated list of disk names


List of disk names

barman.config.parse_staging_path(value)View on GitHub#
barman.config.parse_time_interval(value)View on GitHub#

Parse a string, transforming it in a time interval. Accepted format: N (day|month|week)s


value (str) – the string to evaluate