barman.backup_executor module#
Backup Executor module
A Backup Executor is a class responsible for the execution of a backup. Specific implementations of backups are defined by classes that derive from BackupExecutor (e.g.: backup with rsync through Ssh).
A BackupExecutor is invoked by the BackupManager for backup operations.
- class barman.backup_executor.BackupExecutor(backup_manager, mode=None)View on GitHub#
Abstract base class for any backup executors.
- __init__(backup_manager, mode=None)View on GitHub#
Base constructor
- Parameters:
backup_manager (barman.backup.BackupManager) – the BackupManager assigned to the executor
mode (str) – The mode used by the executor for the backup.
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
- _purge_unused_wal_files(backup_info)View on GitHub#
It the provided backup is the first, purge all WAL files before the backup start.
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – the backup to check
- _start_backup_copy_message(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Output message for backup start
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- _stop_backup_copy_message(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Output message for backup end
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- abstractmethod backup(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Perform a backup for the server - invoked by BackupManager.backup()
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- check(check_strategy)View on GitHub#
Perform additional checks - invoked by BackupManager.check()
- Parameters:
check_strategy (CheckStrategy) – the strategy for the management of the results of the various checks
- fetch_remote_status()View on GitHub#
Get additional remote status info - invoked by BackupManager.get_remote_status()
This method does not raise any exception in case of errors, but set the missing values to None in the resulting dictionary.
- init()View on GitHub#
Initialise the internal state of the backup executor
- property modeView on GitHub#
Property that defines the mode used for the backup.
If a strategy is present, the returned string is a combination of the mode of the executor and the mode of the strategy (eg: rsync-exclusive)
- Return str:
a string describing the mode used for the backup
- status()View on GitHub#
Set additional status info - invoked by BackupManager.status()
- class barman.backup_executor.BackupStrategy(postgres, server_name, mode=None)View on GitHub#
Abstract base class for a strategy to be used by a backup executor.
- START_TIME_RE = re.compile('^START TIME: (.*)', re.MULTILINE)#
- WAL_RE = re.compile('^START WAL LOCATION: (.*) \\(file (.*)\\)', re.MULTILINE)#
Regex for START TIME info
- __init__(postgres, server_name, mode=None)View on GitHub#
- Parameters:
postgres (barman.postgres.PostgreSQLConnection) – the PostgreSQL connection
server_name (str) – The name of the server
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
- _backup_info_from_backup_label(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Fill a backup info with information from the backup_label file
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.BackupInfo) – object representing a backup
- static _backup_info_from_start_location(backup_info, start_info)View on GitHub#
Fill a backup info with information from a start_backup
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.BackupInfo) – object
- representing a
- Parameters:
start_info (DictCursor) – the result of the pg_backup_start
- static _backup_info_from_stop_location(backup_info, stop_info)View on GitHub#
Fill a backup info with information from a backup stop location
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.BackupInfo) – object representing a backup
stop_info (DictCursor) – location info of stop backup
- _pg_get_metadata(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Load PostgreSQL metadata into the backup_info parameter
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.BackupInfo) – backup information
- _read_backup_label(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Read the backup_label file
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- abstractmethod check(check_strategy)View on GitHub#
Perform additional checks - invoked by BackupExecutor.check()
- Parameters:
check_strategy (CheckStrategy) – the strategy for the management of the results of the various checks
- start_backup(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Issue a start of a backup - invoked by BackupExecutor.backup()
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.BackupInfo) – backup information
- status()View on GitHub#
Set additional status info - invoked by BackupExecutor.status()
- abstractmethod stop_backup(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Issue a stop of a backup - invoked by BackupExecutor.backup()
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- class barman.backup_executor.ConcurrentBackupStrategy(postgres, server_name)View on GitHub#
Concrete class for concurrent backup strategy.
This strategy is responsible for coordinating Barman with PostgreSQL on concurrent physical backup operations through concurrent backup PostgreSQL api.
- __init__(postgres, server_name)View on GitHub#
- Parameters:
postgres (barman.postgres.PostgreSQLConnection) – the PostgreSQL connection
server_name (str) – The name of the server
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
- _concurrent_start_backup(backup_info, label)View on GitHub#
Start a concurrent backup using the PostgreSQL 9.6 concurrent backup api
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.BackupInfo) – backup information
label (str) – the backup label
- _concurrent_stop_backup(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Stop a concurrent backup using the PostgreSQL 9.6 concurrent backup api
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.BackupInfo) – backup information
- check(check_strategy)View on GitHub#
Checks that Postgres is at least minimal version
- Parameters:
check_strategy (CheckStrategy) – the strategy for the management of the results of the various checks
- start_backup(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Start of the backup.
The method performs all the preliminary operations required for a backup to start.
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.BackupInfo) – backup information
- stop_backup(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Stop backup wrapper
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.BackupInfo) – backup information
- class barman.backup_executor.ExclusiveBackupStrategy(postgres, server_name)View on GitHub#
Concrete class for exclusive backup strategy.
This strategy is for ExternalBackupExecutor only and is responsible for coordinating Barman with PostgreSQL on standard physical backup operations (known as ‘exclusive’ backup), such as invoking pg_start_backup() and pg_stop_backup() on the master server.
- __init__(postgres, server_name)View on GitHub#
- Parameters:
postgres (barman.postgres.PostgreSQLConnection) – the PostgreSQL connection
server_name (str) – The name of the server
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
- check(check_strategy)View on GitHub#
Perform additional checks for ExclusiveBackupStrategy
- Parameters:
check_strategy (CheckStrategy) – the strategy for the management of the results of the various checks
- start_backup(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Manage the start of an exclusive backup
The method performs all the preliminary operations required for an exclusive physical backup to start, as well as preparing the information on the backup for Barman.
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- stop_backup(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Manage the stop of an exclusive backup
The method informs the PostgreSQL server that the physical exclusive backup is finished, as well as preparing the information returned by PostgreSQL for Barman.
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- class barman.backup_executor.ExternalBackupExecutor(backup_manager, mode, local_mode=False)View on GitHub#
Abstract base class for non-postgres backup executors.
An external backup executor is any backup executor which uses the PostgreSQL low-level backup API to coordinate the backup.
Such executors can operate remotely via SSH or locally:
remote mode (default), operates via SSH
local mode, operates as the same user that Barman runs with
It is also a factory for exclusive/concurrent backup strategy objects.
Raises a SshCommandException if ‘ssh_command’ is not set and not operating in local mode.
- __init__(backup_manager, mode, local_mode=False)View on GitHub#
Constructor of the abstract class for backups via Ssh
- Parameters:
backup_manager (barman.backup.BackupManager) – the BackupManager assigned to the executor
mode (str) – The mode used by the executor for the backup.
local_mode (bool) – if set to False (default), the class is able to operate on remote servers using SSH. Operates only locally if set to True.
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
- _local_check(check_strategy)View on GitHub#
Specific checks for local mode of ExternalBackupExecutor (same user)
- Parameters:
check_strategy (CheckStrategy) – the strategy for the management of the results of the various checks
- _remote_check(check_strategy)View on GitHub#
Specific checks for remote mode of ExternalBackupExecutor, via SSH.
- Parameters:
check_strategy (CheckStrategy) – the strategy for the management of the results of the various checks
- _update_action_from_strategy()View on GitHub#
Update the executor’s current action with the one of the strategy. This is used during exception handling to let the caller know where the failure occurred.
- backup(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Perform a backup for the server - invoked by BackupManager.backup() through the generic interface of a BackupExecutor. This implementation is responsible for performing a backup through a remote connection to the PostgreSQL server via Ssh. The specific set of instructions depends on both the specific class that derives from ExternalBackupExecutor and the selected strategy (e.g. exclusive backup through Rsync).
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- abstractmethod backup_copy(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Performs the actual copy of a backup for the server
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- check(check_strategy)View on GitHub#
Perform additional checks for ExternalBackupExecutor, including Ssh connection (executing a ‘true’ command on the remote server) and specific checks for the given backup strategy.
- Parameters:
check_strategy (CheckStrategy) – the strategy for the management of the results of the various checks
- fetch_remote_status()View on GitHub#
Get remote information on PostgreSQL using Ssh, such as last archived WAL file
This method does not raise any exception in case of errors, but set the missing values to None in the resulting dictionary.
- status()View on GitHub#
Set additional status info for ExternalBackupExecutor using remote commands via Ssh, as well as those defined by the given backup strategy.
- class barman.backup_executor.LocalConcurrentBackupStrategy(postgres, server_name)View on GitHub#
Concrete class for concurrent backup strategy writing data locally.
This strategy is for ExternalBackupExecutor only and is responsible for coordinating Barman with PostgreSQL on concurrent physical backup operations through concurrent backup PostgreSQL api.
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
- _write_backup_label(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Write the backup_label file inside local data directory
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- stop_backup(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Stop backup wrapper
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- class barman.backup_executor.PassiveBackupExecutor(backup_manager)View on GitHub#
Dummy backup executors for Passive servers.
Raises a SshCommandException if ‘primary_ssh_command’ is not set.
- __init__(backup_manager)View on GitHub#
Constructor of Dummy backup executors for Passive servers.
- Parameters:
backup_manager (barman.backup.BackupManager) – the BackupManager assigned to the executor
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
- backup(backup_info)View on GitHub#
This method should never be called, because this is a passive server
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- check(check_strategy)View on GitHub#
Perform additional checks for PassiveBackupExecutor, including Ssh connection to the primary (executing a ‘true’ command on the remote server).
- Parameters:
check_strategy (CheckStrategy) – the strategy for the management of the results of the various checks
- property modeView on GitHub#
Property that defines the mode used for the backup. :return str: a string describing the mode used for the backup
- status()View on GitHub#
Set additional status info for PassiveBackupExecutor.
- class barman.backup_executor.PostgresBackupExecutor(backup_manager)View on GitHub#
Concrete class for backup via pg_basebackup (plain format).
Relies on pg_basebackup command to copy data files from the PostgreSQL cluster using replication protocol.
- __init__(backup_manager)View on GitHub#
- Parameters:
backup_manager (barman.backup.BackupManager) – the BackupManager assigned to the executor
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
- _err_handler(line)View on GitHub#
Handler invoked during a backup when anything is sent to stderr.
Used to perform a WAL switch on a primary server if pg_basebackup is running against a standby, otherwise just logs output at INFO level.
- Parameters:
line (str) – The error line to be handled.
- _prepare_backup_destination(dest_dirs)View on GitHub#
Prepare the destination of the backup, including tablespaces.
This method is also responsible for removing a directory if it already exists and for ensuring the correct permissions for the created directories
- _retry_handler(dest_dirs, command, args, kwargs, attempt, exc)View on GitHub#
Handler invoked during a backup in case of retry.
The method simply warn the user of the failure and remove the already existing directories of the backup.
- Parameters:
command (RsyncPgData) – Command object being executed
args (list) – command args
kwargs (dict) – command kwargs
attempt (int) – attempt number (starting from 0)
exc (CommandFailedException) – the exception which caused the failure
- _start_backup_copy_message(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Output message for backup start
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- _validate_compression(remote_status)View on GitHub#
In charge of validating compression options.
Note: Because this method requires a connection to the PostgreSQL server it should be called within the context of a closing context manager.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- backup(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Perform a backup for the server - invoked by BackupManager.backup() through the generic interface of a BackupExecutor.
This implementation is responsible for performing a backup through the streaming protocol.
The connection must be made with a superuser or a user having REPLICATION permissions (see PostgreSQL documentation, Section 20.2), and pg_hba.conf must explicitly permit the replication connection. The server must also be configured with enough max_wal_senders to leave at least one session available for the backup.
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- backup_copy(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Perform the actual copy of the backup using pg_basebackup. First, manages tablespaces, then copies the base backup using the streaming protocol.
In case of failure during the execution of the pg_basebackup command the method raises a DataTransferFailure, this trigger the retrying mechanism when necessary.
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- check(check_strategy)View on GitHub#
Perform additional checks for PostgresBackupExecutor
- Parameters:
check_strategy (CheckStrategy) – the strategy for the management of the results of the various checks
- fetch_remote_status()View on GitHub#
Gather info from the remote server.
This method does not raise any exception in case of errors, but set the missing values to None in the resulting dictionary.
- validate_configuration()View on GitHub#
Validate the configuration for this backup executor.
If the configuration is not compatible this method will disable the server.
- class barman.backup_executor.PostgresBackupStrategy(postgres, server_name, backup_compression=None)View on GitHub#
Concrete class for postgres backup strategy.
This strategy is for PostgresBackupExecutor only and is responsible for executing pre e post backup operations during a physical backup executed using pg_basebackup.
- __init__(postgres, server_name, backup_compression=None)View on GitHub#
- Parameters:
postgres (barman.postgres.PostgreSQLConnection) – the PostgreSQL connection
server_name (str) – The name of the server
backup_compression (barman.compression.PgBaseBackupCompression) – the pg_basebackup compression options used for this backup
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
- _read_backup_label(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Read the backup_label file.
Transparently handles the fact that the backup_label file may be in a compressed tarball.
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- _read_compressed_backup_label(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Read the contents of a backup_label file from a compressed archive.
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- check(check_strategy)View on GitHub#
Perform additional checks for the Postgres backup strategy
- start_backup(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Manage the start of an pg_basebackup backup
The method performs all the preliminary operations required for a backup executed using pg_basebackup to start, gathering information from postgres and filling the backup_info.
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- stop_backup(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Manage the stop of an pg_basebackup backup
The method retrieves the information necessary for the file reading the backup_label file.
Due of the nature of the pg_basebackup, information that are gathered during the start of a backup performed using rsync, are retrieved here
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- class barman.backup_executor.RsyncBackupExecutor(backup_manager, local_mode=False)View on GitHub#
Concrete class for backup via Rsync+Ssh.
It invokes PostgreSQL commands to start and stop the backup, depending on the defined strategy. Data files are copied using Rsync via Ssh. It heavily relies on methods defined in the ExternalBackupExecutor class from which it derives.
- __init__(backup_manager, local_mode=False)View on GitHub#
- Parameters:
backup_manager (barman.backup.BackupManager) – the BackupManager assigned to the strategy
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
- _format_src(path)View on GitHub#
If the executor is operating in remote mode, add a : in front of the path for rsync to work via SSH.
- Parameters:
path (string) – the path to format
- Return str:
the formatted path string
- _reuse_path(previous_backup_info, tablespace=None)View on GitHub#
If reuse_backup is ‘copy’ or ‘link’, builds the path of the directory to reuse, otherwise always returns None.
If oid is None, it returns the full path of PGDATA directory of the previous_backup otherwise it returns the path to the specified tablespace using it’s oid.
- Parameters:
previous_backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup to be reused
tablespace (barman.infofile.Tablespace) – the tablespace to copy
- Returns:
a string containing the local path with data to be reused or None
- Return type:
- _start_backup_copy_message(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Output message for backup start.
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- backup(*args, **kwargs)View on GitHub#
Perform an Rsync backup.
This method currently only calls the parent backup method but inside a keepalive context to ensure the connection does not become idle long enough to get dropped by a firewall, for instance. This is important to ensure that
are called within the same session.
- backup_copy(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Perform the actual copy of the backup using Rsync.
First, it copies one tablespace at a time, then the PGDATA directory, and finally configuration files (if outside PGDATA). Bandwidth limitation, according to configuration, is applied in the process. This method is the core of base backup copy using Rsync+Ssh.
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – backup information
- validate_configuration()View on GitHub#
- class barman.backup_executor.SnapshotBackupExecutor(backup_manager)View on GitHub#
Concrete class which uses cloud provider disk snapshots to create backups.
It invokes PostgreSQL commands to start and stop the backup, depending on the defined strategy.
It heavily relies on methods defined in the ExternalBackupExecutor class from which it derives.
No data files are copied and instead snapshots are created of the requested disks using the cloud provider API (abstracted through a CloudSnapshotInterface).
As well as ensuring the backup happens via snapshot copy, this class also:
Checks that the specified disks are attached to the named instance.
Checks that the specified disks are mounted on the named instance.
Records the mount points and options of each disk in the backup info.
Barman will still store the following files in its backup directory:
The backup_label (for concurrent backups) which is written by the LocalConcurrentBackupStrategy.
The which is written by the BackupManager responsible for instantiating this class.
- __init__(backup_manager)View on GitHub#
Constructor for the SnapshotBackupExecutor
- Parameters:
backup_manager (barman.backup.BackupManager) – the BackupManager assigned to the strategy
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
- _start_backup_copy_message(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Output message for backup start.
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – Backup information.
- _stop_backup_copy_message(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Output message for backup end.
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – Backup information.
- _validate_aws_lock_configuration()View on GitHub#
Verify configuration is valid for locking a snapshot backup using AWS provider.
- static add_mount_data_to_volume_metadata(volumes, remote_cmd)View on GitHub#
Adds the mount point and mount options for each supplied volume.
Calls resolve_mounted_volume on each supplied volume so that the volume metadata (which originated from the cloud provider) can be resolved to the mount point and mount options of the volume as mounted on a compute instance.
This will set the current mount point and mount options of the volume so that they can be stored in the snapshot metadata for the backup when the backup is taken.
- Parameters:
volumes (dict[str,]) – Metadata for the volumes attached to a specific compute instance.
remote_cmd (UnixLocalCommand) – Wrapper for executing local/remote commands on the compute instance to which the volumes are attached.
- backup_copy(backup_info)View on GitHub#
Perform the backup using cloud provider disk snapshots.
- Parameters:
backup_info (barman.infofile.LocalBackupInfo) – Backup information.
- check(check_strategy)View on GitHub#
Perform additional checks for SnapshotBackupExecutor, specifically:
check that the VM instance for which snapshots should be taken exists
check that the expected disks are attached to that instance
check that the attached disks are mounted on the filesystem
- Parameters:
check_strategy (CheckStrategy) – the strategy for the management of the results of the various checks
- static find_missing_and_unmounted_disks(cmd, snapshot_interface, snapshot_instance, snapshot_disks)View on GitHub#
Checks for any disks listed in snapshot_disks which are not correctly attached and mounted on the named instance and returns them as a tuple of two lists.
This is used for checking that the disks which are to be used as sources for snapshots at backup time are attached and mounted on the instance to be backed up.
- Parameters:
cmd (UnixLocalCommand) – Wrapper for local/remote commands.
snapshot_interface ( – Interface for taking snapshots and associated operations via cloud provider APIs.
snapshot_instance (str) – The name of the VM instance to which the disks to be backed up are attached.
snapshot_disks (list[str]) – A list containing the names of the disks for which snapshots should be taken at backup time.
:rtype tuple[list[str],list[str]] :return: A tuple where the first element is a list of all disks which are not
attached to the VM instance and the second element is a list of all disks which are attached but not mounted.
- validate_configuration()View on GitHub#
Verify configuration is valid for a snapshot backup.
- barman.backup_executor._parse_ssh_command(ssh_command)View on GitHub#
Parse a user provided ssh command to a single command and a list of arguments
In case of error, the first member of the result (the command) will be None
- Parameters:
ssh_command – a ssh command provided by the user
- Return tuple[str,list[str]]:
the command and a list of options