barman.clients.cloud_restore module#
- class barman.clients.cloud_restore.CloudBackupDownloader(cloud_interface, catalog)View on GitHub#
Restore a backup from cloud storage.
- __init__(cloud_interface, catalog)View on GitHub#
Object responsible for handling interactions with cloud storage
- Parameters:
cloud_interface (CloudInterface) – The interface to use to upload the backup
server_name (str) – The name of the server as configured in Barman
catalog (CloudBackupCatalog) – The cloud backup catalog
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
- abstractmethod download_backup(backup_id, destination_dir)View on GitHub#
Download a backup from cloud storage
- class barman.clients.cloud_restore.CloudBackupDownloaderObjectStore(cloud_interface, catalog)View on GitHub#
Cloud storage download client for an object store backup
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
- download_backup(backup_info, destination_dir, tablespaces)View on GitHub#
Download a backup from cloud storage
- Parameters:
backup_info (BackupInfo) – The backup info for the backup to restore
destination_dir (str) – Path to the destination directory
- class barman.clients.cloud_restore.CloudBackupDownloaderSnapshot(cloud_interface, catalog, snapshot_interface)View on GitHub#
A minimal downloader for cloud backups which just retrieves the backup label.
- __init__(cloud_interface, catalog, snapshot_interface)View on GitHub#
Object responsible for handling interactions with cloud storage
- Parameters:
cloud_interface (CloudInterface) – The interface to use to upload the backup
server_name (str) – The name of the server as configured in Barman
catalog (CloudBackupCatalog) – The cloud backup catalog
snapshot_interface (CloudSnapshotInterface) – Interface for managing snapshots via a cloud provider API.
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
- download_backup(backup_info, destination_dir, recovery_instance)View on GitHub#
Download a backup from cloud storage
- Parameters:
backup_info (BackupInfo) – The backup info for the backup to restore
destination_dir (str) – Path to the destination directory
recovery_instance (str) – The name of the VM instance to which the disks cloned from the backup snapshots are attached.
- barman.clients.cloud_restore._validate_config(config, backup_info)View on GitHub#
Additional validation for config such as mutually inclusive options.
Raises a ConfigurationException if any options are missing or incompatible.
- Parameters:
config (argparse.Namespace) – The backup options provided at the command line.
backup_info (BackupInfo) – The backup info for the backup to restore
- barman.clients.cloud_restore.main(args=None)View on GitHub#
The main script entry point
- barman.clients.cloud_restore.parse_arguments(args=None)View on GitHub#
Parse command line arguments
- Returns:
The options parsed
- barman.clients.cloud_restore.tablespace_map(rules)View on GitHub#
Return a mapping from tablespace names to locations built from any –tablespace name:/loc/ation rules specified.