barman.exceptions module#

exception barman.exceptions.AbortedRetryHookScript(hook)View on GitHub#

Bases: HookScriptException

Exception for handling abort of retry hook scripts

__init__(hook)View on GitHub#

Initialise the exception with hook script info

exception barman.exceptions.ArchivalBackupExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: BarmanException

Exception for errors concerning archival backups.

exception barman.exceptions.ArchiverFailureView on GitHub#

Bases: WALFileException

Exception representing a failure during the execution of the archive process

exception barman.exceptions.BackupExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: BarmanException

Base exception for all the errors related to the execution of a backup.

exception barman.exceptions.BackupFunctionsAccessRequiredView on GitHub#

Bases: PostgresException

Superuser or access to backup functions is required

exception barman.exceptions.BackupInfoBadInitialisationView on GitHub#

Bases: BackupException

Exception for a bad initialization error

exception barman.exceptions.BackupManifestExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: BarmanException

Exception raised when there is a problem with the backup manifest.

exception barman.exceptions.BackupPreconditionExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: BackupException

Exception for a backup precondition not being met

exception barman.exceptions.BadHistoryFileContentsView on GitHub#

Bases: WALFileException

Exception for a corrupted history file

exception barman.exceptions.BadXlogPrefixView on GitHub#

Bases: WALFileException

Exception for a bad xlog prefix

exception barman.exceptions.BadXlogSegmentNameView on GitHub#

Bases: WALFileException

Exception for a bad xlog name

exception barman.exceptions.BarmanExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: Exception

The base class of all other barman exceptions

exception barman.exceptions.CommandExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: BarmanException

Base exception for all the errors related to the execution of a Command.

exception barman.exceptions.CommandFailedExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: CommandException

Exception representing a failed command

exception barman.exceptions.CommandMaxRetryExceededView on GitHub#

Bases: CommandFailedException

A command with retry_times > 0 has exceeded the number of available retry

exception barman.exceptions.CompressionExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: BarmanException

Base exception for all the errors related to the execution of a compression action.

exception barman.exceptions.CompressionIncompatibilityView on GitHub#

Bases: CompressionException

Exception for compression incompatibility

exception barman.exceptions.ConfigurationExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: BarmanException

Base exception for all the Configuration errors

exception barman.exceptions.ConninfoExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: ConfigurationException

Error for missing or failed parsing of the conninfo parameter (DSN)

exception barman.exceptions.DataTransferFailureView on GitHub#

Bases: CommandException

Used to pass failure details from a data transfer Command

classmethod from_command_error(cmd, e, msg)View on GitHub#

This method build a DataTransferFailure exception and report the provided message to the user (both console and log file) along with the output of the failed command.

  • cmd (str) – The command that failed the transfer

  • e (CommandFailedException) – The exception we are handling

  • msg (str) – a descriptive message on what we are trying to do

Return DataTransferFailure:

will contain the message provided in msg

exception barman.exceptions.DuplicateWalFileView on GitHub#

Bases: WALFileException

A duplicate WAL file has been found

exception barman.exceptions.FileNotFoundExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: CompressionException

Exception for file not found in archive

exception barman.exceptions.FsOperationFailedView on GitHub#

Bases: CommandException

Exception which represents a failed execution of a command on FS

exception barman.exceptions.HookScriptExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: BarmanException

Base exception for all the errors related to Hook Script execution.

exception barman.exceptions.InvalidRetentionPolicyView on GitHub#

Bases: BarmanException

Exception raised when a retention policy cannot be parsed.

exception barman.exceptions.LockFileBusyView on GitHub#

Bases: LockFileException

Raised when a lock file is not free

exception barman.exceptions.LockFileExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: BarmanException

Base exception for lock related errors

exception barman.exceptions.LockFileParsingErrorView on GitHub#

Bases: LockFileException

Raised when the content of the lockfile is unexpected

exception barman.exceptions.LockFilePermissionDeniedView on GitHub#

Bases: LockFileException

Raised when a lock file is not accessible

exception barman.exceptions.MatchingDuplicateWalFileView on GitHub#

Bases: DuplicateWalFile

A duplicate WAL file has been found, but it’s identical to the one we already have.

exception barman.exceptions.PostgresAppNameErrorView on GitHub#

Bases: PostgresConnectionError

Error setting application name with PostgreSQL server

exception barman.exceptions.PostgresCheckpointPrivilegesRequiredView on GitHub#

Bases: PostgresException

Superuser or role ‘pg_checkpoint’ is required

exception barman.exceptions.PostgresConnectionErrorView on GitHub#

Bases: PostgresException

Error connecting to the PostgreSQL server

exception barman.exceptions.PostgresConnectionLostView on GitHub#

Bases: PostgresException

The Postgres connection was lost during an execution

exception barman.exceptions.PostgresDuplicateReplicationSlotView on GitHub#

Bases: PostgresException

The creation of a physical replication slot failed because the slot already exists

exception barman.exceptions.PostgresExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: BarmanException

Base exception for all the errors related to PostgreSQL.

exception barman.exceptions.PostgresInvalidReplicationSlotView on GitHub#

Bases: PostgresException

Exception representing a failure during the deletion of a non existent replication slot

exception barman.exceptions.PostgresIsInRecoveryView on GitHub#

Bases: PostgresException

PostgreSQL is in recovery, so no write operations are allowed

exception barman.exceptions.PostgresObsoleteFeatureView on GitHub#

Bases: PostgresException

Obsolete feature, i.e. one which has been deprecated and since removed.

exception barman.exceptions.PostgresReplicationSlotInUseView on GitHub#

Bases: PostgresException

The drop of a physical replication slot failed because the replication slots is in use

exception barman.exceptions.PostgresReplicationSlotsFullView on GitHub#

Bases: PostgresException

The creation of a physical replication slot failed because the all the replication slots have been taken

exception barman.exceptions.PostgresSuperuserRequiredView on GitHub#

Bases: PostgresException

Superuser access is required

exception barman.exceptions.PostgresUnsupportedFeatureView on GitHub#

Bases: PostgresException

Unsupported feature

exception barman.exceptions.RecoveryExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: BarmanException

Exception for a recovery error

exception barman.exceptions.RecoveryInvalidTargetExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: RecoveryException

Exception for a wrong recovery target

exception barman.exceptions.RecoveryPreconditionExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: RecoveryException

Exception for a recovery precondition not being met

exception barman.exceptions.RecoveryStandbyModeExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: RecoveryException

Exception for a wrong recovery standby mode

exception barman.exceptions.RecoveryTargetActionExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: RecoveryException

Exception for a wrong recovery target action

exception barman.exceptions.RsyncListFilesFailureView on GitHub#

Bases: CommandException

Failure parsing the output of a “rsync –list-only” command

exception barman.exceptions.SnapshotBackupExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: BackupException

Exception for snapshot backups

exception barman.exceptions.SnapshotInstanceNotFoundExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: SnapshotBackupException

Raised when the VM instance related to a snapshot backup cannot be found

exception barman.exceptions.SshCommandExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: CommandException

Error parsing ssh_command parameter

exception barman.exceptions.SyncErrorView on GitHub#

Bases: SyncException

Synchronisation error

exception barman.exceptions.SyncExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: BarmanException

Base Exception for synchronisation functions

exception barman.exceptions.SyncNothingToDoView on GitHub#

Bases: SyncException

Nothing to do during sync operations

exception barman.exceptions.SyncToBeDeletedView on GitHub#

Bases: SyncException

An incomplete backup is to be deleted

exception barman.exceptions.TimeoutErrorView on GitHub#

Bases: CommandException

A timeout occurred.

exception barman.exceptions.UnknownBackupIdExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: BackupException

The searched backup_id doesn’t exists

exception barman.exceptions.UnrecoverableHookScriptErrorView on GitHub#

Bases: BarmanException

Exception for hook script errors which mean the script should not be retried.

exception barman.exceptions.WALFileExceptionView on GitHub#

Bases: BarmanException

Base exception for all the errors related to WAL files.

exception barman.exceptions.WalArchiveContentErrorView on GitHub#

Bases: BarmanException

Exception raised when unexpected content is detected in the WAL archive.