barman.backup_manifest module#

class barman.backup_manifest.BackupManifest(path, file_manager, checksum_algorithm)View on GitHub#

Bases: object

__init__(path, file_manager, checksum_algorithm)View on GitHub#
  • path (str) – backup directory

  • file_manager (barman.) – File manager

_create_files_metadata()View on GitHub#

Parse all files in backup directory and get file identity values for each one of them.

_get_manifest_file_path()View on GitHub#

Generates backup-manifest file path :return: backup-manifest file path :rtype: str

_get_manifest_from_dict()View on GitHub#

Old version used to create manifest first section Could be used :return: str

_get_manifest_str()View on GitHub#

create_backup_manifest()View on GitHub#

Will create a manifest file if it doesn’t exists. :return:

name = 'backup_manifest'#
class barman.backup_manifest.FileIdentity(file_path, dir_path, file_manager, checksum_algorithm)View on GitHub#

Bases: object

This class purpose is to aggregate file information for backup-manifest.

__init__(file_path, dir_path, file_manager, checksum_algorithm)View on GitHub#
  • file_path (str) – File path to analyse

  • dir_path (str) – Backup directory path

  • file_manager (

  • checksum_algorithm – Object that will create checksum from bytes

_get_checksum()View on GitHub#

file checksum

Return type:


_get_relative_path()View on GitHub#

file path from directory path

Return type:


get_value()View on GitHub#

Returns a dictionary containing FileIdentity values