Catalog information#

The backup catalog is a comprehensive record that keeps track of all servers and backups on the Barman node. Note that servers are the Postgres database systems that are being tracked and backed up by Barman. Each server is configured within the Barman node to ensure that its data is regularly backed up and can be restored if needed. The Barman node is another server that hosts the Barman software, which manages the backup and recovery processes for these Postgres servers. It communicates with the configured servers to perform backups, store them securely, and maintain a detailed catalog of all backup activities.

The backup catalog is essential for effective backup management and recovery operations, offering a unified interface that makes it a key component of the Barman tool. It plays a central role in organizing, monitoring, and executing backup and recovery tasks by providing a comprehensive view and precise control over all backup activities. This streamlined approach enhances efficiency, simplifies management, and ensures seamless recovery processes.

The global configuration option barman_home specifies the directory where Barman stores and manages backups for multiple servers. By default, this directory is set to /var/lib/barman, but it can be customized by modifying the global configuration file found at /etc/barman.conf. Within this directory, backups from each server are organized into separate subdirectories, with each server’s backups located under <barman_home>/<SERVER_NAME>/base. This structure helps keep backups organized and easily accessible.


Serve as a centralized repository that keeps track of all Postgres server and backup-related information.

Here are some key roles it plays:

  • Backup Metadata Storage: It stores metadata about each backup, such as the backup’s start and end times, the status, the specific Postgres instance it was taken from and many other metrics. This metadata helps in tracking and managing the backup lifecycle.

  • Backup Management: The catalog provides a way to organize and manage backups efficiently. By keeping detailed records, it simplifies operations such as listing available backups, checking the status of backups, identifying the latest or specific backups, and applying retention policies.

  • Restore Operations: During a restore operation, the catalog helps in quickly identifying which backups are available and their details. This facilitates efficient restoration by providing necessary information about the backups and their associated archive logs.

  • Ease of Use: It simplifies the process of managing multiple backups and their associated metadata, making it easier for administrators to handle large numbers of backups and complex backup strategies.


Barman offers a straightforward terminal interface for managing Postgres backups and interacting with the backup catalog. This interface provides a range of sub-commands for both server management and backup operations. All Barman sub-commands can be found in the sub commands section, including two important ones which are list-backups and show-backup. These commands can be found below with an example.


Show available backups for a server. This command is useful to retrieve a list of backups with minimal yet important information, such as backup ID and the backup type.

For example:

svr_pg17 20240901T103000 - F - Mon Nov  2 15:12:03 2024 - Size: 820.0 MiB - WAL Size: 22 MiB
  • svr_pg17 is the server name.

  • 20240901T103000 is the backup ID.

  • F is the backup type label.

  • Nov  1 11:12:03 2024 is the date and time the backup operation ended.

  • Size: 820.0 MiB is the size of the backup.

  • WAL Size: 22 MiB is the size of all WAL files related to this backup.


The backup type label can be F for full backups and I for block-level incremental backups. R for rsync backups and S for cloud snapshot backups.


Show detailed information about a specific backup. For example, a block-level incremental backup:

Backup 20240902T130000:
  Server Name            : prod_pg17
  Status                 : DONE
  PostgreSQL Version     : 170000
  PGDATA directory       : /var/lib/pgsql/17/data
  Estimated Cluster Size : 244.7 GiB

  Server information:
    Checksums            : on
    WAL summarizer       : on

  Base backup information:
    Backup Method        : postgres
    Backup Type          : incremental
    Backup Size          : 3.4 GiB (36.7 GiB with WALs)
    WAL Size             : 32.3 GiB
    Resources saved      : 241.3 GiB (98.61%)
    Timeline             : 1
    Begin WAL            : 0000000100000CFD000000AD
    End WAL              : 0000000100000D0D00000008
    WAL number           : 3932
    WAL compression ratio: 79.51%
    Begin time           : 2024-09-02 13:00:01.633925+00:00
    End time             : 2024-09-03 10:27:06.522846+00:00
    Copy time            : 1 second
    Estimated throughput : 2.0 MiB/s
    Begin Offset         : 1575048
    End Offset           : 13853016
    Begin XLOG           : CFD/AD180888
    End XLOG             : D0D/8D36158

  WAL information:
    No of files          : 35039
    Disk usage           : 121.5 GiB
    WAL rate             : 275.50/hour
    Compression ratio    : 77.81%
    Last available       : 0000000100000D95000000E7

  Catalog information:
    Retention Policy     : not enforced
    Previous Backup      : 20240902T120001
    Next Backup          : - (this is the latest base backup)
    Root Backup          : 20240801T015504
    Parent Backup        : 20240831T016504
    Backup chain size    : 3
    Children Backup(s)   : 20240903T018515,20240903T019515


The output of the show-backup command can vary depending on the version of your Postgres server and the type of backup.

  • The fields Root Backup, Parent Backup, Backup chain size and Children Backup(s) are relevant only for block-level incremental backups taken with backup_method=postgres on Postgres 17 or newer. These fields will not be shown for other types of backups or older Postgres versions.

  • The show-backup command relies on backup metadata. If a backup was created with Barman version 3.10 or earlier, it will not include fields introduced in version 3.11, such as those related to block-level incremental backups in Postgres 17.

  • The field Resource Saved is available for rsync and incremental backups, and Snapshot Information is only available for snapshot backups.

  • The possible values for the field Backup Type are:

    • rsync: for a backup taken with rsync.

    • full: for a full backup taken with pg_basebackup.

    • incremental: for an incremental backup taken with pg_basebackup.

    • snapshot: for a snapshot-based backup taken in the cloud.